#Corse – The President of the CCI, Jacques Nacer, murdered last night in Ajaccio #Corsica

President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) South Corsica, Jacques Nacer, was shot and killed late Wednesday afternoon, during a shootout in the center of Ajaccio.

Jacques Nacer, aged sixty years, was hit by a single bullet fired by one man, shortly before 7:00 p.m., in his clothing store in rue Fesch, a pedestrian street in the city center. He died shortly after the rescue. The assailant managed to escape. Personality well known in Corsica, Jacques Nacer is the 17th person killed by gunfire in the island since the beginning of the year.

This new attack occurred nearly a month after the murder of a lawyer Ajaccio, Mr. Antoine Sollacaro, October 16 in a gas station, and shortly before the first visit to Corsica Ministers of the Interior, Manuel Valls and Justice, Christine Taubira, scheduled for November 29.

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